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    Ethiopian Migrants Victimized in Saudi Arabia


    In the last 10 days persecution of Ethiopian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia has escalated. Men and women are forced from their homes by mobs of civilians and dragged through the streets of Riyadh and Jeddah. Distressing videos of Ethiopian men being merci ... Read more »

    Views: 2186 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-11-23 | Comments (0)


    ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopian police have used force to disperse hundreds of people protesting against targeted attacks on Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia.

    Police units Friday blocked roads to prevent the protest at Saudi Arabia Embassy from growing. Some two dozen people were detained.

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    Views: 2428 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-11-15 | Comments (0)


    Heavy clashes between ONLF and Ethiopian Troops in Ogaden- Reports

    File Photo: ONLF Fighters in Ogaden valley in Fik Zone.

    By Mohamed Faarah

    14 November 2013

    (Ogadentoday Press)- A heavy fighting between, ONLF, Ogaden National Liberation Front and Ethiopia coalition troops are reported in Ogaden region, eastern Ethiopia.

    According to reports that Ogadentoday Press have received, the clashes took place on early this week in the area of Fik Zone in Ogaden Region.

    Government has cut of transportation of the area several days.

    Locals confirmed Ogadentoday Pres ... Read more »
    Views: 3031 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-11-14 | Comments (0)

    Saudi police have confirmed an Ethiopian migrant died during raids on illegal workers in the kingdom.

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    Views: 1111 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-11-13 | Comments (0)

    The Ethiopian ruling government headed by TPLF has waged war against its people by the name of terrorism. The regime labels anyone speaking out his or her democratic rights as terrorist, and use extreme violence and brutal action against government opposition and the general population, in order to silence dissents. The action remains a tragic and painful scar across the population.

    Now the regime prepares a new proclamation for the National Security intelligence Service (NISS). This new proclamation gives absolute power for NISS and its agent’s.

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    Views: 1778 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-11-02 | Comments (0)

    Are TPLF going wild and insane? Now they are calling HRW (Human Rights Watch) a terrorist organization. HRW has reported about torture and ill treatment of prisoners in Maekelawi prison in Addis Ababa. The organization has been gathering lots of information and witness testimonies about inhumane treatment in Ethiopian prisons. That the regime today has labelled HRW as a terrorist group is a clear sign that TPLF will arrest and detain those who speak out for human rights in the country. According to the Ethiop ... Read more »

    Views: 1496 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-10-28 | Comments (0)

    ONLF fighters attacked at Kebridahar Airport: ONLF official

    Photo: Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen and his delegation landing on the Godey Airport

    By Mohamed Faarah

    October 21, 2013

    (Ogadentoday Press)- Ogaden National Liberation Front "ONLF,” official have claimed that their fighters attacked on Kebridahar town Airport on last week.

    Our aim for this attack was to disrupt the visiting delegation in Ogaden and send a clear message to the puppet administration that serves only the colonial agendas in our people and land. The official said to Ogadentoday Press on the phone.

    Speaking on the attack the offi ... Read more »
    Views: 1814 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-10-21 | Comments (0)


    the ethiopian regime crackdown the eritrean refugee protest on last saturday in ADI HARUSH and ADI AYNI refugee camp the federal police use force to stop the protester between the clash more than 3 killed and 150 eritrean detained according to one eye witness tell to voice of america amharic program.the eritrean refugees in western tigray asking the UNHCR and ARRA to stop the corruption in the names of eritreans refugee and demanding a proper treatment for refugee in tigray .some of the refugee they claim the chance for resettlement comes for eritreans UNHCR and ARRA officials corrupted and give the local tigrayans, the bad treatment of the eritrean refugee in tigray is far more worse they flee from dictator and end up with another dictator.

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    Views: 1224 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-10-18 | Comments (1)


    The ethiopian constitution guarantees freedom of association and assembly, the government did not allow opposition parties to organize freely or to canvass for new members. Several opposition parties candidates were harassed or put into prison, with the government seeking to intimidate citizens away from siding with the opposition. Oromo opposition parties with an ethnic agenda are in most cases banned or severely harassed. Dubious accusations have been levelled against opposition figures, including a "plot to overthrow the government.” Any serious challenges to EPRDF i ... Read more »

    Views: 1429 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-10-09 | Comments (0)


    According to Freedom House's Freedom on the Net 2013 report, Ethiopia is one of the worst offenders of internet censorship in the world and ranks near the bottom along with China, Iran, Cuba and Syria. Freedom on the Net measures the level of internet and digital media freedom in 60 countries. Each country receives a numerical score from 0 (the most free) to 100 (the least free), which serves as the basis for an internet freedom status designation of Free (0-30 points), Partly Free (31-60 points), or Not Free (61-100 points). Ethiopia's score is 79 which is earned the country a "Not Free" designation.

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    Views: 1267 | Added by: dani | Date: 2013-10-04 | Comments (0)

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