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    Views: 1244 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-25 | Comments (0)

    The government said Thursday that it was preparing to charge more than 100 prisoners with terrorism, and dismissed calls by a rights groups to release them immediately. The government said it had arrested 121 people in March and accused them of being members of the outlawed Oromo Liberation Front rebel group. Human Rights Watch ... Read more »
    Views: 1032 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-25 | Comments (0)

     Born in pain, growing in torture 
    Six years ago – a predisposed Ethiopian prosecutor accused journalist Eskinder Nega and his 
    wife, Serkalem Fasil, and charged them with genocide and treason. The young couples who love 
    their country and profession were expecting their first child when they were sent to the notorious 
    Kality prison. While in prison, Serkalem gave birth to the couple’s first child and the life of 
    Nafkote Eskinder started in Prison.  The prematurely born Nafkote was severely underweight 
    when he was born due to a deliberately imposed physical and psychological hardship on his 
    mother. The prison doctor ordered to place him in an incubator to save his life, but the heartless 
    prison authorities who have no regard for life denied the newly born baby the only chance to 
    save his life. 
    Six years later, [last ... Read more »
    Views: 1020 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)


    If you are new to these pages, please read an introduction on the structure of a cable as well as how to  ... Read more »
    Views: 1099 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)

    Aug 31 (VOA News) – Rights group Amnesty International says a grou ... Read more »

    Views: 1345 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)

    TPLF’s Government Prepares the New Law by Which It Denies Identification Card to Oromos, Somalis and Eritreans.

    Views: 1371 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)

    Ethiopia: Government crackdown intensifies following investigation

    ... Read more »

    Views: 1173 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)

    Victims of the Hidden War of Meles Zenawi: Profile of Mr. Legesse Deti Dhaba, an Oromo Elder

    ... Read more »

    Views: 1235 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)


    Currently the Eritrean and Ethiopian governments are taking some practical measures that set pattern to their treatment or mistreatment of aliens from their hostile neighbour across the Mereb. According to unconfirmed reports the Eritrean government has been issuing special identity card to Ethiopian residents, a card that must be renewed monthly for a prohibitive fee. The Ethiopian government has also started registering Eritrean nationals residing in the country. The professed intention of this measure is to issue them with temporary permit to live lawfully by terms and conditions set to alien residents. It is to be hoped the measures taken by both governments would be fair (though what the Eritrean government is doing, if it is t ... Read more »

    Views: 2953 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)


    Amnesty International witnesses cruelty of mass deportations

    "I was picked up at night, thrown into prison, not allowed time to pack.
    I asked what my crime was. 'You're an Eritrean,' they said."

    Amnesty International representatives returning from investigations in Ethiopia and Eritrea warned today that forced mass deportation now threatens everyone of Eritrean origin in Ethiopia, causing untold suffering to thousands of families every week.

    Last week in Eritrea, Amnesty International's representatives witnessed the arrival ... Read more »

    Views: 2201 | Added by: dani | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)

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