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    Main » 2012 » July » 1 » Over 40 Ethiopians asphyxiated in Tanzania buried
    7:29 PM
    Over 40 Ethiopians asphyxiated in Tanzania buried
    It won't be stunning if we call this era the "Golden Age of Ethiopians Exodus" as it is an era when the country has gained an ' 11% GDP growth' and a -100% GNP,GNH, PCI and all other socio-political developments.  The misery is not limited to economics but also to politics, social and environmental. The nexus between politics, economics, livelihood, and environmental is two way and cross dimensional. Ethiopians through all openings are fleeing. They are fleeing from poverty, repression, unemployment, conflict, hopelessness and what have you is bad. The emigration chaos is so disheartening. Especially, the adventurous attempt of crossing countries via  porous and dangerous boarders and sea is among the routes Ethiopians take to survive. Most die on route, land in prions and sometimes reach their destinations to find  another trauma of resettlement and legal residency.

    The news of the death of some 42 migrants in the back of a truck in Tanzania due to asphyxiation while making their way to South Africa is the saddest of all. On June 29, 2012 over 22 have been buried in the cemetery of cola in Morogoro and 22 other bodies were buried in Dodoma, Tanzania. 

    Morogoro funeral, Courtesy of  This Day Magazine
    Dodoma funeral, Courtesy of This Day Magazine 

    The funeral of the dead was attended by surviving Ethiopians and Tanzanian community. The surviving compatriots have been given food, shelter, clothing and psychotherapy services from Red Cross, the Tanzanian government and the community. The 84 young immigrants from Ethiopia who survived death passed one after another to pay their last respect and to send their brothers to throw dust in the graves of their compatriots who lost their lives in the event of being transported by Lorry. As the photo shows below.
    Courtesy of This Day Magazine 

    Young Chafamo Yosef (right) Muamiaji, an Ethiopian casting word of thanks shortly after the funeral for how they have provided support to the government of Tanzania and people with hearts of compassion and generosity, Courtesy of This Day Magazine 

    This is disheartening event has not been reported by the Ethiopian state media. The Ethiopian government has not made any statement and has not been vocal regarding this specific incident and the problem in general. If there is any organ that should take responsibility and be involved in this case firsthand is the Ethiopian 'government' that takes billions of aid and taxes in the name of these people. One of the major functions of a government is protecting and securing the welfare of its citizens. This embarrassing event has disgruntled Ethiopians at home and abroad. This is promoting them for an emergency meeting. The sorrows and cries of Ethiopians should be heard. The international community should take time and discuss the ways of drying the problem from its source. Directly or indirectly, the oasis of the crisis is POLITICAL!  The misery, suffering, pain and helplessness of our people disturbs and sickens us. Few are the days we have serene sleeps. Our prayers are with our people! The  first 21 verses of the late Laureate Tsegaye Gebremedhin's poem best say it, 
    Views: 1182 | Added by: dani | Rating: 5.0/1
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